SEO Best Practice

Implementing best practices for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in a Laravel blog involves a combination of technical and content-related optimizations. By following these best practices, you can improve your blog’s visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic. Here are some key practices to consider:

1. Meta Tags Optimization:

  • Use descriptive and relevant meta titles and descriptions for each blog post.
  • Include relevant keywords in the meta tags to improve search engine ranking.

2. URL Structure:

  • Use search-engine-friendly URLs (slug) for blog posts. For example, instead of using IDs like `/post/123`, use descriptive slugs like `/post/slug-of-your-blog-post`.

3. Heading Tags:

  • Use proper heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your blog content. Use H1 for the blog post title and H2-H6 for subheadings.

4. Keyword Research:

  • Conduct keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords related to your blog post topics. Use these keywords naturally in your content.

5. Content Quality:

  • Write high-quality, valuable, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.
  • Ensure your blog posts are comprehensive and provide valuable information to users.

6. Image Optimization:

  • Optimize images by compressing them to reduce file size and use descriptive alt text for accessibility and SEO.

7. Internal Linking:

  • Implement internal linking within your blog posts to connect related content. This helps search engines understand the content structure of your website.

8. Mobile Responsiveness:

  • Ensure your blog is fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results.

9. Site Speed:

  • Optimize your website for fast loading times. Use caching, minimize HTTP requests, and optimize images to improve site speed.

10. Sitemap and Robots.txt:

  • Create and submit an XML sitemap to search engines to help them crawl and index your blog posts effectively.
  • Use a `robots.txt` file to control search engine crawlers’ access to certain pages on your site.

11. Canonical URLs:

  • Implement canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content issues caused by multiple URLs pointing to the same content.

12. Social Media Integration:

  • Add Open Graph (OG) tags to your blog posts to optimize their appearance when shared on social media platforms.

13. SSL Certificate:

  • Secure your website with an SSL certificate to ensure HTTPS encryption, which is a ranking factor for search engines.

14. Monitor Analytics:

  • Use tools like Google Analytics to track the performance of your blog posts and identify areas for improvement.

15. Stay Updated:

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes to adapt your strategies accordingly.

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, and it takes time to see significant improvements. Focus on creating valuable content, optimizing your website, and following SEO best practices to improve your blog’s search engine visibility and user experience.

Step-by-step guide to creating a dropshipping store in WordPress:

1. Choose a domain name and a web host: You will need a domain name for your store, which is the web address people use to visit your website. You will also need a web hosting provider to store your website files and make your website accessible online.

2. Install WordPress: WordPress is a free and open-source content management system that powers more than 40% of all websites. Most web hosting providers offer a one-click installer for WordPress.

3. Install a WooCommerce plugin: WooCommerce is a free plugin for WordPress that enables you to create an online store and sell products. You can install it directly from your WordPress dashboard by going to “Plugins” > “Add New” and searching for “WooCommerce.”

4. Choose a dropshipping platform: There are many dropshipping platforms available, such as AliExpress, Oberlo, and Spocket. Choose the one that best suits your needs and sign up for an account.

5. Install a dropshipping plugin: Many dropshipping platforms offer plugins that integrate with WooCommerce and enable you to import products directly from the platform to your store. Install the plugin for the dropshipping platform you have chosen.

6. Configure your store settings: Go to the WooCommerce settings and configure your store settings, such as your payment gateways, shipping methods, and taxes.

7. Import products: Use the dropshipping plugin to import products from your chosen platform and customize them to suit your store.

8. Design your store: Choose a WordPress theme that best represents your brand and customize it to suit your preferences. You can also add plugins to add functionality to your store, such as a contact form or a live chat feature.

9. Launch your store: When you’re ready, launch your store by adding products, testing your checkout process, and promoting your store on social media and other channels.

That’s it! Follow these steps, and you’ll have a fully functional dropshipping store in WordPress.

Free eCommerce website multilingual – Laravel 9, Livewire, Tailwind css, and Alpinejs – RTL language support

Arabic and English interfaces

and many more features.

Demo website

Download files from github

Installation guidelines


Please leave your comments and suggestion if there any

In this post, we are going to explain the shortest path to add many languages to Laravel 8 including RTL language and language switcher.

1- Add languages to app/config/app.php file

'languages' => [
        'ar', 'en'

2- Create middleware component

php artisan make:middleware Localization

3- Add Localization class to web group in app/kernal file


4- In app/http/middleware/Localization.php

public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        $languages = config('app.languages');
        $lang = session()->has('lang') ? session()->get('lang') : '';
        if (in_array($lang, $languages)) {
        return $next($request);

5- In the web routes add the following route

Route::get('lang/{locale}', function ($locale) {
    $languages = config('app.languages');
    if (in_array($locale, $languages)) {
        session()->put('lang', $locale);
    return redirect()->back();

6- Add languages switcher in the Navbar
@foreach (config('app.languages') as $locale)
> a href="{{ route('setlanguage', $locale) }}"
class=" {{ app()->getLocale() == $locale ? ' border dark:border-white border-gray-800' : '' }} p-1 m-1 rounded-md hover:text-white active:text-white focus:text-white">
@if ($locale == 'ar')
AR flag
@elseif($locale == 'en')
EN flag

7- Add language file in lang folder
ar.json for example and add json array to it.


There are many tutorials about installing Laravel 8 with the necessary tools and packages.Also the steps to install dark and light, system mode. In addition to adding the proper way to install mutil-lingual site. Here I’m going to put all the effort and installation steps in one place so easy to recall and follow. Before starting, we would like to install the following:

1- Laravel 8.x

2- Jetstream and livewire

3- Tailwindcss 3.x

4- Spatie roles and permissions management

5- Turbo links for faster navigation and surfing pages.

6- Alpinejs for dynamic dropdown, navigation, and other user interactions.
7- Add themes
8- Add multi-languages
So let us start.

Install Laravel and Packages

1- Install fresh Laravel

 laravel new project_name 

2- Generate key

 php artisan key:generate

3- Setup database and app name from .env
4- Install Jetstream with livewire

 composer require laravel/jetstream
 php artisan jetstream:install livewire 

5- Install npm package

 npm install
 npm run dev
 php artisan migrate 

6- Publish jetstearm views

 php artisan vendor:publish --tag=jetstream-views
npm run dev 

7- Install spatie roles and permissions

 composer require spatie/laravel-permission
 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider"
 php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Optional: The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app.php file:

 'providers' => [
    // ...

You should publish the migration and the config/permission.php config file with:

 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider 


8- Add HasRoles to User model and add to header file

use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles;


9- Schema::defaultStringLength(125) maybe not necessary
10 – Clear your web cache.

 php artisan config:clear
 php artisan view:clear
 php artisan cache:clear
 php artisan route:cache
 composer dump-autoload 


11- Install Tailwindcss
Tailwindcss the latest version comes automatically with Laravel. However if you want to install it or update it.

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init


12- Install Alpinejs
Alpinejs already installed in Laravel 8 by default. However, if you want to instaal/update it.

npm install alpinejs
npm run watch


13- Add turbo links

 composer require tonysm/turbo-laravel

14- Turbo Laravel scaffolding install with jetstream

 php artisan turbo:install --jet 

Then, you can run install your NPM dependencies and compile your assets normally.

npm install

You may wants to add trubolinks to web

namespace App\Http;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;
class Kernel extends HttpKernel
    protected $middlewareGroups = [
        'web' => [
            // other middlewares...

15- Add social login package

 composer require laravel/socialite

Create Multi-themes

Add Dark, light, and system mode.

Create Multilingual Website

Please read how to create a multilingual website on this website.

Steps of adding a new font to cs-cart:

1- Upload the new font in any format like .ttf to the theme path
for example: (responsive is the active theme)
2- Update the schema.json file by going to the fonts-> families section the add the new font as follow:

for example we need to add DroidKufi-Bold.ttf: “DroidKufi-Bold,sans-serif”: “DroidKufi-Bold”

the section will be like this:

“fonts”: {
“families”: {

“DroidKufi-Bold,sans-serif”: “DroidKufi-Bold”,
“‘Open Sans’,’Helvetica Neue’,-apple-system,sans-serif”: “Open Sans”,
“‘Comic Sans MS’,cursive”: “Comic Sans MS”,
“‘Courier New’,Courier,monospace”: “Courier New”,
“Georgia,serif”: “Georgia”,
“Impact,Charcoal,sans-serif”: “Impact”,
“‘Lucida Console’,Monaco,monospace”: “Lucida Console”,
“‘Lucida Sans Unicode’,’Lucida Grande’,sans-serif”: “Lucida Sans Unicode”,
“‘Palatino Linotype’,’Book Antiqua’,Palatino,serif”: “Palatino Linotype”,
“Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif”: “Tahoma”,
“‘Times New Roman’,Times,serif”: “Times New Roman”,
“‘Trebuchet MS’,Helvetica,sans-serif”: “Trebuchet MS”,
“Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif”: “Verdana”,
“‘Gill Sans’,Geneva,sans-serif”: “Gill Sans”,

3- The last step is to add the new font to the list of the visual theme editor. This step needs to update the file yourstylename.less in the and add the font to the beginning of the file like this:

@font-face {
font-family: DroidKufi-Bold;
src: url(‘/DroidKufi-Bold.ttf’); /* keep the path as it is */


Finally, go to the visual theme editor and go to the fonts section and try to change the font for any list and you will see the font in the list.

That’s it.

When you plan a group dinner for friends, deciding where you’re going can be a bit confusing, but Google is on the way to making it easier for you.

The company introduced a new update to the Google Maps application that made it offer you a menu that you can share from restaurants or clubs to choose from, whether it’s a birthday party or a youth party.

Starting Wednesday, Google Maps will allow users to add restaurant options to a list that can be shared via any messaging application. In a group message, others can add or remove ideas and vote on favorite places on the list, all within Google Maps for Android or iOS.

With this application, you can make plans with friends without worrying that you have chosen a place that none of them likes. What Google has to do, according to Mashable, is that Google Maps can help friends share the price of the bill.

This new feature is available with the latest app update, and once you’ve installed the new version, long clicking anywhere in the app will add that place to a list that you can share.


Here is the conversation happen between a customer of Pizza store and how Google introduced the customer to the store:

“`Hello! Is this Gordon’s Pizza ?

No sir, it’s Google’s Pizza.

Did I dial the wrong number?

No sir, Google bought the pizza store.

Oh, alright – then I’d like to place an order please.

Okay sir, do you want the usual?

The usual? You know what my usual is?

According to the caller ID, the last 15 times you’ve ordered a 12-slice with double-cheese, sausage, and thick crust.

Okay – that’s what I want this time too.

May I suggest that this time you order an 8-slice with ricotta, arugula, and tomato instead?

No, I hate vegetables.

But your cholesterol is not good.

How do you know?

Through the subscribers guide. We have the results of your blood tests for the last 7 years.

Maybe so, but I don’t want the pizza you suggest – I already take medicine for high cholesterol.

But you haven’t taken the medicine regularly. 4 months ago you purchased from Drugsale Network a box of only 30 tablets.

I bought more from another drugstore.

It’s not showing on your credit card sir.

I paid in cash.

But according to your bank statement you did not withdraw that much cash.

I have another source of cash.

This is not showing on your last tax form, unless you got it from an undeclared income source.

To HELL With Ur Pizza..!!


I’m sick of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. I’m going to an island without internet, where there’s no cellphone line, and no one to spy on me …

I understand sir, but you’ll need to renew your PASSPORT … it expired 5 weeks ago.“`

When you search on Google, they keep your search history forever? That means they know every search you’ve ever done on Google. That alone is pretty scary, but it’s just the shallow end of the very deep pool of data that they try to collect on people.

What most people don’t realize is that even if you don’t use any Google products directly, they’re still trying to track as much as they can about you. Google trackers have been found on 75% of the top million websites. This means they’re also trying to track most everywhere you go on the internet, trying to slurp up your browsing history!

Most people also don’t know that Google runs most of the ads you see across the internet and in apps – you know those ones that follow you around everywhere? Yup, that’s Google, too. They aren’t really a search company anymore – they’re a tracking company. They are tracking as much as they can for these annoying and intrusive ads, including recording every time you see them, where you saw them, if you clicked on them, etc.

But even that’s not all…

If You Use Google Products

If you do use Google products, they try to track even more. In addition to tracking everything you’ve ever searched for on Google (e.g. “weird rash”), Google also tracks every video you’ve ever watched on YouTube. Many people actually don’t know that Google owns YouTube; now you know.

And if you use Android (yeah, Google owns that too), then Google is also usually tracking:

If you use Gmail, they of course also have all your e-mail messages. If you use Google Calendar, they know all your schedule. There’s a pattern here: For all Google products (Hangouts, Music, Drive, etc.), you can expect the same level of tracking: that is, pretty much anything they can track, they will.

Oh, and if you use Google Home, they also store a live recording of every command you’ve (or anyone else) has ever said to your device! Yes, you heard that right (err… they heard it) – you can check out all the recordings on your Google activity page.

Essentially, if you allow them to, they’ll track pretty close to, well, everything you do on the Internet. In fact, even if you tell them to stop tracking you, Google has been known to not really listen, for example with location history.

You Become the Product

Why does Google want all of your information anyway? Simple: as stated, Google isn’t a search company anymore, they’re a tracking company. All of these data points allow Google to build a pretty robust profile about you. In some ways, by keeping such close tabs on everything you do, they, at least in some ways, may know you better than you know yourself.

And Google uses your personal profile to sell ads, not only on their search engine, but also on over three million other websites and apps. Every time you visit one of these sites or apps, Google is following you around with hyper-targeted ads.

It’s exploitative. By allowing Google to collect all this info, you are allowing hundreds of thousands of advertisers to bid on serving you ads based on your sensitive personal data. Everyone involved is profiting from your information, except you. You are the product.

It doesn’t have to be this way. It is entirely possible for a web-based business to be profitable without making you the product – since 2014, DuckDuckGo has been profitable without storing or sharing any personal information on people at all. You can read more about our business model here.

The Myth of “Nothing to Hide”

Some may argue that they have “nothing to hide,” so they are not concerned with the amount of information Google has collected and stored on them, but that argument is fundamentally flawed for many reasons.

Everyone has information they want to keep private: Do you close the door when you go to the bathroom? Privacy is about control over your personal information. You don’t want it in the hands of everyone, and certainly don’t want people profiting on it without your consent or participation.

In addition, privacy is essential to democratic institutions like voting and everyday situations such as getting medical care and performing financial transactions. Without it, there can be significant harms.

On an individual level, lack of privacy leads to putting you into a filter bubble, getting manipulated by ads, discrimination, fraud, and identity theft. On a societal level, it can lead to deepened polarization and societal manipulation like we’ve unfortunately been seeing multiply in recent years.

You Can Live Google Free

Basically, Google tries to track too much. It’s creepy and simply just more information than one company should have on anyone.

Thankfully, there are many good ways to reduce your Google footprint, even close to zero! If you are ready to live without Google, we have recommendations for services to replace their suite of products, as well as instructions for clearing your Google search history. It might feel like you are trapped in the Google-verse, but it is possible to break free.

For starters, just switching the search engine for all your searches goes a long way. After all, you share your most intimate questions with your search engine; at the very least, shouldn’t those be kept private? If you switch to the DuckDuckGo app and extension you will not only make your searches anonymous, but also block Google’s most widespread and invasive trackers as you navigate the web.

If you’re unfamiliar with DuckDuckGo, we are an Internet privacy company that empowers you to seamlessly take control of your personal information online, without any tradeoffs. We operate a search engine alternative to Google at and offer a mobile app and desktop browser extension to protect you from Google, Facebook and other trackers, no matter where you go on the Internet.

If you do not want to be tracked:

  • Don’t use Chrome.
  • Do not leave yourself logged in.
  • Turn off search history, location history, voice history, YouTube search and watch history, etc. Go to the settings of all the apps you use and if there is an option to, turn off saving of history.
  • Don’t use the default keypads supplied on Android. They can track what you are typing. Use another keyboard like Swiftkey or something.
  • Keep location turned off on your phone unless you need it.
  • Set your browser to clear cookies on exit.
  • Opt-out of interest based ads.
  • If you can, switch to a provider other than Gmail. But remember that other popular mail providers will also use your data. And they will use it only to sell ads, not to give you better services.
  • Use browser addons like Ghostery to block third party javascript from websites.
  • Again, do not use Chrome on your phone either. And remember that some apps use Chrome behind the scenes to show you web pages within the app. Try not to use that either. Again, you can switch to Firefox, Ghostery, Opera, Dolphin, etc. Please don’t use UC Browser.

Mostly why I’m okay with Google tracking my data primarily because they use it to improve my experience. Facebook is equally notorious for collecting user data, but it can’t understand a simple search query like “friends who live in Delhi”. What use is your data collection if you can’t interpret simple search queries like that?


Instead of waiting outside your local Best Buy on Black Friday, why not stay home and shop online? You can skip the crowds, avoid aching feet, and duck the drama of parking the car at the mall. Online shoppers also have a secret weapon: Online rebate sites.

These sites, such as Ebates and Swagbucks, work on the simple principle that retailers will do just about anything, including shelling out cash, to gain paying customers. The rebate sites act as referrers–they refer you to retailer’s websites, and the retailer gives them a bonus if you make a purchase. To inspire you use their sites (instead of heading directly to the retailer’s site), online rebate sites offer you a small portion of that bonus.

In other words: Free money. If you make large purchases online, and you can find an online rebate site that partners with that retailer, you can earn anywhere from one to 45 percent of your money back–just by clicking through a website. On top of that, many online rebate sites will be offering additional deals for Black Friday, such as extra cashback and shopping bonuses.

Additionally, do your research, and you may find that many of the fantastic deals advertised on the first day of the holiday shopping season… aren’t really deals at all.


Ebates is a very straight-forward online rebate site–it focuses on cash, and only cash.

The company partners with more than 1,600 retailers, including luxury department stores Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and Saks Fifth Avenue, as well as big-box stores Best Buy and Target. Ebates pays out its cash-back bonuses on a quarterly basis, and offers the option of a direct PayPal payment or a check.

Getting started with Ebates is easy. Once you’ve signed up for a free account, you can start shopping. To qualify for an Ebates cashback bonus, simply click through the Ebates website before you make a purchase.

Going through Ebates every time you want to buy something might seem like a chore, but you can simplify the process by downloading the Ebates browser add-on, which is available for the Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari browsers.

The add-on alerts you whenever you’re shopping on an Ebates-approved site, letting you know when you can potentially get cash back.

For Black Friday, Ebates will offer extra cashback for several of its partnered stores. According to Mark Moran, Ebates’ senior vice president of marketing and distribution, shoppers can look forward to more than 25 percent cash back at “approximately 500 stores, including Macy’s, Target, and Walmart.”


If you’re more interested in saving money–rather than just getting cash back–FatWallet is an online rebate site with a focus on frugality. While FatWallet (which was acquired by Ebates in 2011) does have a cashback component, it’s renowned for its robust member forums.

“FatWallet is for people who are more interested in saving money, and who are willing to do a little work,” says Brent Shelton, PR director at FatWallet. “We have a huge online community of people who share tips on sales, deals, and how to stack coupons.” Because FatWallet is a little more life-hack-y, Shelton explains, you’ll find more tech-oriented deals on the site. FatWallet’s partnered sites include Acer, Adorama, Apple, Best Buy, and Newegg.

Using FatWallet is similar to Ebates–just sign up for a free FatWallet account, and then click through the website before you make any purchases at qualifying sites. You can also participate in the online forums, browse coupons, and find nearby deals from sites such as Groupon, LivingSocial, and Amazon Local.

For Black Friday, FatWallet has a dedicated Black Friday Deal Finder app, which should make shopping and comparing easier if you happen to be in a physical store. The app does offer some cashback capabilities, but Shelton warns that the best way to ensure you’ll get cash back is to go through FatWallet’s website.


Swagbucks is a little different from Ebates and FatWallet. While those sites are focused on shopping–and subsequently earning cash back–Swagbucks offers multiple ways to earn “SwagBucks,” the website’s internal currency.

Don’t get me wrong–Swagbucks does have a robust online shop-and-earn section, which features stores such as Amazon, Bloomingdale’s, Kohl’s, and Target. But there are also tons of other ways to earn SwagBucks, which you can trade in for gift cards and cash (one SwagBuck is approximately one cent). Other ways to earn include searching through the Swagbucks search engine (perfect for looking for Black Friday deals), answering surveys and polls, playing games, watching videos, and signing up for sponsored offers.

To get started with Swagbucks, sign up for a free account and start earning. You’ll earn at least one SwagBuck just for logging in every day, and more if you use the Swagbucks toolbaror answer the site’s daily poll.

Like the other online rebates sites, earning money from Swagbucks’ shop-and-earn program requires that you click through its website to a qualifying retailer. When you have enough SwagBucks, you can trade them in for a gift card, PayPal payment, or Swagbucks swag. You can also earn SwagBucks offline when you shop with the company’s credit card, which gives you 1.25 SwagBucks on every purchase.

For Black Friday, Swagbucks will offer triple SwagBucks on all of its participating shop-and-earn stores. According to Swagbucks COO and co-founder Scott Dudelson, the company will also give away free SwagBucks to its members on Black Friday via various social-media channels. In other words, just hanging around Swagbucks’ website or its Facebook page could get you some extra cash.


Want to earn even more cash back? Use Plink, a rewards program that links to your credit or debit card and gives you points for making purchases–online or offline.

Plink is simple to use. Just sign up for a free account and link your debit or credit card (you can only link one card, so choose the one you use most often). Once you’ve linked a card, all you have to do is…buy things using that card.

You’ll only earn Plink Points when you make qualifying purchases at partnered retailers, but you don’t really have to think about it–it’ll automatically be tallied up on your Plink account when you use your card to check out. Plink is partnered with more than 50,000 retailers, including American Airlines, Gap, Sears, and Staples.

What’s nice about Plink is that it stacks on top of other rewards programs–even your credit card rewards program. In other words, you can use it while you shop through Ebates, FatWallet, or Swagbucks, and still earn that cash back. Plink Points can be redeemed for gift cards from stores such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, and Walmart, and you can also use the points to get airline miles on select airlines.

Plink is incredibly easy to use, but its main drawback is that you do have to surrender your bank credentials in order to link your card. During the sign-up process, Plink will ask you to sign in using your online banking password–which might cause some people to be alarmed.

The company assures us that all login credentials are securely encrypted with the same technology used by PayPal and, and that no Plink employees are able to access any of the credentials.

Plink won’t be offering anything special for Black Friday, but the sites will help you earn some extra cash if you happen to make any qualifying purchases during your holiday shopping spree.

Source: Computerworld Malaysia

Google has been collecting user location data on Android smartphones even when location services were turned off, as per a new report. Quartz claims the location tracking still occurred on Android smartphones even if a user took precautionary measures like disabling location, not using any app, or not inserting a SIM card on the device.

The investigation by Quartz claims that an Android device sends these details when the device is connected to the Internet. The report says that the user location data tracking has been in practice since start of this year, and the company essentially collects addresses of nearby cellular towers, even when location services are turned off on the device. Quartz adds that Google confirmed the practice.

A Google spokesperson is quoted to have told Quartz that the company has been collecting cell tower addresses to improve delivery of push notifications and messages on Android devices for roughly 11 months. The spokesperson, however, added that the user location data was never stored. The Google spokesperson is also quoted to that it will stop collecting user location data in the form of cell-tower location by the end of November. “Android phones will no longer send cell-tower location data to Google, at least as part of this particular service, which consumers cannot disable,” the company has said. The new report raises a lot of questions on user privacy where people might not like to be tracked but do not have the option to actually turn it off.

In an email, Google spokesperson said, “In January of this year, we began looking into using Cell ID codes as an additional signal to further improve the speed and performance of message delivery. However, we never incorporated Cell ID into our network sync system, so that data was immediately discarded, and we updated it to no longer request Cell ID.” The report adds that even if the data sent to Google was encrypted, it could have been compromised.

Google in its terms of use for its services vaguely refers, “When you use Google services, we may collect and process information about your actual location. We use various technologies to determine location, including IP address, GPS, and other sensors that may, for example, provide Google with information on nearby devices, Wi-Fi access points and cell towers.”

At this moment, it isn’t clear the exact use case of the location tracking but it could be used for targeted advertising.

For a long time and after the frustration of adding a filed to customer list in Opencart 3, Finally, I found a way on how to do it. Here down the steps to add a custom field in customer list of Opencart, also applicable to add a custom field to a product list, order list in Opencart 3 and whatever you want to customize lists in Opencart3. Let us start.

Steps of adding a custom field in customer list in Opencart3:

First: Add this custom filed to the oc_customer database table. For example member_code

Second: Of course in customer model already include because the query read all fields by Select *,  in the following path: /Admin/model/customers.php

Third: You have to add this field to the getList function in Customers controller under Admin/controller/customer.php

Fourth: Add this filed to the header and body of the list table in the file Admin/template/customer/customers_list.twig

The fifth step which is the most important thing is to delete the cache in Opencart 3 as it prevents updating reflection, Therefore, go to the home /storage/cache/  folder and delete all its contents, also disable twig cache from Environment.php if exist then clear browser caching and refresh the page.

Best WordPress Plugins Ever all websites must have as of 2018 which are essential Plugins for Professional WordPress Websites.

WordPress plugins are great tools for adding and extending functionality to WordPress.  In this post, I will discuss 15+ best WordPress plugins you should have on your WordPress website. These plugins will add awesome functionality to your site and make it ‘great’.

Although the kind/ niche of your website mostly determines what plugins you should have on your website, there are some plugins that every WP blog needs. Like Techieword says security, speed, SEO etc. are some of the universal concerns of every website owner which you cannot simply afford to ignore.

There are plenty of handy plugins in WordPress framework which reduce lots of work on your part. The official plugin repository has over 47,000 WordPress plugins and counting. That means there are plugins for almost every function or feature you need on your website.  Great news for WordPress lovers!

In addition, you’ll find multiple plugins for the same feature – all you need to do is to choose the best one for yourself that suits your project. You can find both free and premium plugins for WordPress while most of the plugins are developed as freemiums. A freemium plugin is a free plugin with an upgrading option to the premium version for advanced features.

This post includes both free/ freemium and premium plugins essential for a WP blog.

Best WordPress Plugins for 2018 – Must have website

As mentioned above, the list includes some of the best WordPress SEO plugins, security plugins, speed optimization plugins, marketing and social media plugins. These plugins will help you to make your site robust, secure, SEO friendly and complete with all the aesthetics needed in a modern website.

Let’s explore them:

1. Jetpack (Freemium)


A powerful plugin from the brilliant team behind the WordPress software itself (Automattic), Jetpack is a must have plugin for every WordPress website. As the name suggests, it offers a pack of awesome features for your website to fly up high and make it a success.

Jetpack takes care of your site security, website performance, traffic growth, image optimization, website appearance and a lot more.


It features enhanced distribution which automatically shares your published content to third-party services like search engines and helps to increase your reach and traffic. Additionally, it creates sitemaps so that search engines can easily index your site.

Most of all, it protects your website security by preventing brute force attacks. It also monitors your site every five minutes for downtime and instantly notifies you for any issues found.

Download FREE    Premium Plans

2. Akismet (Freemium)


Akismet is yet another plugin developed by the people behind WordPress (Matt and his team at Automattic). It is one of the default plugins of WordPress that comes with every new WordPress core installation. It is basically an anti-spam plugin which checks all comments and filters out the spammy comments.

The plugin provides a status history for each comment so that you can learn which comments were found spammy by Akismet or the moderator. Moderators also can view the number of approved comments for each user, see the URLs in the comment body and remove the suspicious links.

The plugin is free for the personal site and blogs while you have to subscribe its monthly plans for commercial sites. The premium plans provide advanced security solution besides spam protection.

It is a useful plugin to protect your WP security.

Download FREE    View Premium

3. Yoast SEO (Freemium)


No doubt, search engines are the major source of traffic for every website. The number of internet users using search engines is reported to increase steadily, making the importance of Search Engine Optimization more relevant than ever. Fortunately, there is a great plugin like Yoast SEO for WordPress users.

Yoast SEO is an awesome plugin which guides you all the way to create better content and improve your ranking on search results. It focuses on creating the content which is useful to the users as well as technically SEO friendly. The goal is to help the users, gain trust and sustain the rankings which they call sustainable SEO.


Firstly, it makes you choose a focus keyword and use the keyword appropriately in the article you are writing. Page analysis feature checks if you have used the focus keyword everywhere on the image alt tags, meta description, headings and the whole post. Furthermore, it suggests you to properly set up the text and images for better usability and visibility for search engines.

In addition, it helps you improve the way your page/ post looks on the search results with snippet preview. Creating better headlines and catchy Meta description can greatly increase the click-through rates for your site.  It has added Readability feature which helps you to create a simple and understandable content.

Finally, here is another plugin called All in One SEO Pack which works quite similarly. You can try this too.

If you want to check out more alternatives to Yoast, check out our collection of best WordPress SEO plugins here.

Download FREE    View Premium

4. User Registration (Freemium)


WordPress user registration is yet another integral feature you would not want to miss. Essentially, ‘register’ feature is available on default WordPress installation which can be enabled from WP dashboard following the given steps.

Go to your WP admin panel > Settings General.


As shown in the image above, you can simply put a check on the ‘Anyone can register‘ option to enable WordPress registration or membership feature.

Once it is enabled, users now can find a register option at your website’s login page ((e.g: Now, users can get registered to your site by entering a username and email, however, it doesn’t look ideal.

First, it’s not user-friendly that a user must find the login URL to get registering option. Next, as a website owner, you cannot collect more information as it has a limited two-field form allowing users to enter just a username and email.

Therefore, you need a virtual WordPress registration plugin. Thankfully, here is a carefully crafted simple and user-friendly plugin at your disposal: User Registration.

User Registration is a free drag and drop user registration plugin for WordPress. The plugin comes up with a plenty of amazing features so that you can easily create a beautiful front-end user registration form within a few minutes.


Some of the main features of the plugin are Unlimited registration forms, multi-column support, ReCaptcha support, email notifications, etc. In addition, you can extend its features by purchasing its premium add-ons.

Want to learn more about WordPress user registration? Here is a complete tutorial for WP beginners on how to create WordPress user registration forms (step-by-step).

Download FREE   View Premium Add-ons

5. Everest Forms (FREE)


One of the fundamental pages you need in a website is ‘Contact‘ page. No matter how big or small website you have or whatever type of website it is, you definitely need a contact page from where your website audience can contact you. The purpose of contact can be anything; to provide you feedback on your work, reach you out for business deals, or suggestions in general, a well-designed contact page is a must.

So, to create contact forms, here is a plugin ‘Everest Forms‘. It’s a modern WordPress contact form plugin with drag and drop interface that lets you build beautiful contact forms easily and quickly. It has a set of general fields along with advanced fields which you can easily drag and drop to create forms.


The plugin lets you create unlimited WordPress forms and in multiple design layouts. The plugin offers two design layouts: 1. Default and 2. Classic layout to choose from.


Further, it allows you to create two column WordPress contact forms as well as advanced forms with advanced fields like radio buttons, dropdowns, checkboxes, date, and more. View Everest Forms demo, and learn how it works.

The plugin is available for free, however, it comes with a complete set of features to enable you to build full-fledged forms. It features Google reCaptcha support, editable email settings, redirect page options after successful submission, editable form validation message etc. Summing up, it’s an incredible plugin for WordPress contact forms.

Download FREE

6. Google XML Sitemaps (FREE)


Google XML Sitemaps is another very useful SEO plugin for WordPress. The plugin helps the search engines like like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. to better index your site with a special XML sitemap.

As you activate the plugin, it will automatically create an XML sitemap for your site making it easy to index. A sitemap enables the search engine bots view the complete structure of your website and retrieve the results more efficiently.


The plugin notifies all the major search engines every time you publish something on your site.

Download FREE

7. Nivo Slider (Freemium)


For most websites, especially commercial ones, it is advantageous when you are able to showcase more than one image. Some might wish to showcase different work samples, products and more. For those who are looking for an alternative to video files, you can even opt for slideshows.  Thus, sliders and carousels are one of the major and effective design elements that help with the site’s engagement rate.


And with WordPress, the easiest way to do so is with the plugin Nivo Slider. It is one of the best and also the most popular plugin you find out there. Downloaded over 3 million timessince their launch, you can either use their free or premium version. The plugin lets you easily add post slider, image carousel or even a slideshow. It is user-friendly and the intuitive design structure is easy to work with.

Adding a hint of creativeness and engaging content can never go wrong. The Sliders you create can also be added as a Home Page Slider. Get automatic updates for all the latest features and get premium like plugin support.

Download FREE      View Premium

8. W3 Total Cache (Freemium)


WordPress caching is one of the best ways to improve website performance. The general idea of caching is storing the website data temporarily in the cache so that it loads faster the next time the user opens the same page. Cache is a place to store something temporarily in the computing environment.

To enable caching in WordPress, you can use WordPress caching plugins. Caching plugins will cache your posts and pages as static HTML files which are served to the users. This reduces page loading time drastically and helps to optimize overall site performance. Additionally, enhanced site-speed will profoundly impact your site SEO.


W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin is one of the most popular plugins and probably the best caching plugin for WordPress. It features page cache, database caching, object caching, browser caching and a lot more. Besides, it lets you integrate CDN services to reduce page load time. Besides, it has options to minify and HTTP compression of the HTML, JS, and CSS files so that you can save bandwidth up to 80%.

With the reduced loading time, you will get better ranking on search results which consecutively result into high traffic and more conversions.

Alternatively, you can use WP Super Cache which works quite similarly to the above plugin.

Sometimes, WP Total Cache or WP Super Cache do contradict with other plugins. In such a case, try other alternative plugins. Check out our collection of the best WP caching plugins.

Download FREE      View Premium

9. VaultPress (Freemium)


VaultPress is a security-oriented WordPress plugin built to create real-time automated backups for your website. The Jetpack powered theme easily syncs up every content, post, comment and media file on your website seamless and furthermore provides protection from many web issues and attacks.

VaultPress allows you to create optimized backups regularly and restore your website in a matter of seconds with just a single click. With multiple subscriptions, you can also monitor, backup and manage multiple websites through a single dashboard.


The plugin also scans and detects dangerous files on your website and emails the administrator if it detects any changes to your installation. Furthermore, you can easily review and manage suspicious codes and solve their issues in a matter of clicks.

The plugin also comes with strong spam protection. With Akismet support, you can easily use its anti-spam tools to prevent any measures of spam on your website with zero user involvement.

Furthermore, VaultPress’ subscription is bundled together with Jetpack. Combining the features of these two plugins, you can implement a perfect solution to your internet protection.

The support team has been praised highly for its helpful work and their useful insight into the user’s issues. This means that regardless of what problem you face, a simple request to VaultPress’ team of experts should help you set your website right easily.

Download FREE      View Premium

10. WP Smush (Freemium)


Images are the great assets for your post/ page which easily grab the users’ attention. Uploading images helps you deliver the message many times better that simply the texts can. They make your page look attractive, catchy and engaging.

While being so helpful to make you site more appealing to users, images also take up a lot of storage space and slow down your website. You can’t simply afford to ignore the slow site speed and look for the disaster to happen. Wait a while, here’s good news – you can compress images!

Yes, you can compress and optimize the images without reducing the quality of the images using WP Smush plugin. It optimizes all of your image files in JPEG, GIF and PNG formats using advanced compression techniques and saves lots of storage space. It auto-smushes all your attachments on upload while you can also smush your attachments manually in the media library.


In addition, the plugin lets you smush bulk data (up to 50 attachments) at a time. The plugin is very useful as it helps your post/page look attractive while being fast.

Download FREE     View Premium

11. WP-Optimize (FREE)


WP-Optimize is a great tool for cleaning up WordPress database and optimizing WordPress. It automatically removes the unnecessary data from the WordPress without manual queries. The plugin always keeps your database optimized for the best performance.

There may be a lot of useless data in your website which weighs down your site while you may not be even aware of it.  With the plugin installed, you have lots of work done automatically. It removes all the spammy and un-approved comments, trash posts, and comments, trackbacks, and pingbacks etc. It will keep your database always clean and optimized.

Download FREE

12. Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (Free)


Google analytics is a great free to use statistical tool for understanding website traffic. Understanding your audience and catering to them is a great way to improve your user traffic. Therefore, it’s an obvious choice to use a Google analytics plugin for your WordPress website and MonsterInsights’ Google analytics tool is one of the best plugins out there for this purpose.

The plugin allows you to monitor various real time stats regarding your website. Furthermore, using Universal tracking, you can track user views from multiple platforms and devices as well as receive various demographic and interest reports.


The plugin is also commerce-ready. This means that you can track product popularity, conversion rates, and order values with no difficulty at all. The plugin is also integrated with Google Adsense, so you can track your ad performance as well.

Other additional features of the plugin allow you to track download numbers, outbound link tracking, events and performance tracking, user discovery reports and more.

Download FREE

13. All In One Rich Snippets (FREE)


You might have seen extra pieces of information like star ratings, images, number of reviews etc. below some of the pages on the search results.  They provide further information about the post/ page which users may want to know. Such brief extracts/ pieces of information like ratings are called Rich Snippets.

Rich snippets are the best way to beautify the appearance of your page/ post on search engine result pages. The snippets provide the main information about the product/ page briefly i.e. highlight the attractions of the product. This is why they help you get more click-through rates through search engines.

To create rich snippets in WordPress website, you can use the handy plugin All In One Rich Snippets. It provides the search engines with the precise information to be displayed in the search engine result pages. This helps your site rank better as well as get more click-through rates.

Download FREE

14. BJ Lazy Load (FREE)


If you have a lot of images used in your site, it may take hours to load. That is annoying to users which often results in higher bounce rates. However, there is a solution to every problem and mostly in WordPress. Lazy loading is the mantra to make your site load faster with lots of images in the page.

To add lazy loading functionality in a WordPress site, you can use a plugin like BJ Lazy Load. The plugin replaces all your post images, post thumbnails, gravatar images and content iframes with a placeholder and loads the content as it gets close to entering the browser screen. It displays the content (images) only when a user scrolls the page. Therefore, your site loads faster as well as saves bandwidth.

In addition, it works with text widgets, embedded videos from YouTube, Vimeo etc. It is a great plugin for website performance optimization and SEO.

Download FREE

15. Wordfence Security (Freemium)


As a website owner, one of the most crucial things to do is to keep your site secure from the hackers. It is something that you cannot afford to ignore. There may be thousands of malicious bots on the web which can attack your website anytime and destroy your entire work in no time. That is why you must always prevent the spams and keep your website secure.

To keep your WordPress site secure, there are many security plugins available in WordPress. Among them, Wordfence Security is the one you can rely on. The plugin features Firewall protection, malware scan, blocking, login security, live traffic monitoring and a lot more. The plugin lets you monitor all your traffic in real-time including robots, humans, 404 errors, logins, logouts etc. as shown in the screenshot below:

With the monitoring your real-time traffic, you can be aware of the security threats your site is facing and take an instant action against it.


Moreover, the plugin has firewall application which prevents your site from being hacked. Blocking feature blocks all the known attackers, malicious networks which can be harmful to your site.  To enhance login security, it adopts Two Factor Authentication while it also checks the strength of all the user and admin passwords. This technique can greatly help you to fight brute-force attacks.

In conclusion, Wordfence Security is a great security plugin for WordPress.

Moreover, there are several other plugins that help to secure WordPress. Check out the list of best WP security plugins.

Download FREE     View Premium

16. Broken Link Checker (FREE)


You might have a great website with a remarkable number of daily visitors and doing a good business too. But have you ever thought about how users will react if they landed on a broken page? You can make a guess – that’s how you lose the possible customer as well as create a worse impression about your site. That’s devastating – you hate broken links.

And, here is good news – a handy plugin will monitor your website for all the broken links. Just install the free plugin Broken Link Checker and take a nice nap because it will do the job automatically. The plugin checks all your posts, comments and other content for broken links and instantly notifies you if any are found. In addition, it reports on the missing images as well so that you fix them quickly.

Furthermore, the plugin has options to prevent search engines from following the broken links, display the broken links differently etc. You can get notifications either via email or WP dashboard.

Download FREE

17. Redirection (FREE)


There are times when you have to change the permalinks of your posts/ pages but you forget to redirect them. That is when users will land on a not available page following the old URL which doesn’t exist anymore. And, it is another way you are making your visitors upset.

In such cases, Redirection is the right plugin to pick. It helps you to manage all the 301 redirections and keep track of 404 errors. The plugin automatically adds a 301 redirection when a post’s URL changes whereas you can also add 301, 302, and 307 redirections manually for a post. You can redirect all the URLs and also have full logs for all redirected URLs.

Redirection is mainly useful when you are migrating pages from an old website, or changing the directory of WP installation.

Download FREE

18. MailChimp for WordPress (Freemium)


MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing services to manage subscribers, send emails and track results in the bulk. It is no doubt a great marketing tool for the webmasters and business owners. To integrate MailChimp for a WordPress site is really easy with the plugin MailChimp for WordPress. It is a free plugin which allows you to add beautiful subscription forms in your WP blog. If you want to use the plugin for commercial purpose, you can try the premium version.

The plugin lets you create beautiful opt-in forms to add more subscribers to your email list. Besides, you can easily integrate the plugin with any other form on your site like contact form, comment or checkout form. It supports all the major form plugins like Contact Form 7, WooCommerce etc.

Install the plugin and start your email marketing campaign instant!

Download FREE        View Premium

19. Social Icons (FREE)


Undoubtedly, social media is the most populated platform in the recent years. The number of social media users is ever increasing – more people obtain news and other information through social media. So, social media marketing is a vital part of content marketing these days. To boost your social media marketing, you can use a social media plugin like Social Icons.

Social Icons is a free WordPress plugin which provides you an easy way to display popular social icons on your website.  You can add social media icons to the pages or posts via widgets or shortcodes. The plugin supports over 100 popular social media platforms. It is simple and easy to use. You can instantly install the plugin and add social media icons in beautiful layouts.

The plugin offers further customization options for the icons – resizing the icons, square or rounded or grayscale background icon layouts etc.  It supports drag and drop icon sorting which makes your task much easier.

If you want more options, check out more social media plugins here.

Download FREE

20. Disable Comments (FREE)


As the name suggests, Disable Comments is useful to globally disable comments on your entire site or certain post types. Considering that all the pages/ posts are not likely to accept user comments, the plugin provides an easy solution for disabling comments on post types, pages, and attachments. Besides, comments sometimes contain spam and unnecessary stuff.

In addition, the plugin provides an option to remove all the comment-related items from the Dashboard, widgets, Admin menu, and Admin Bar. It provides full-fledged features that you need to avoid comment spamming.

From Manish Nair point of view the best simulation for 5G Wireless Networks for PHY Layer is Matlab and Simulink.

Matlab 2017 under academic license from MathWorks has the latest and greatest 5G toolbox, and is a great resource.

  • MAC-PHY Split and Protocol Stack

Open Air Interface (OAI) software libraries.[1]

The MAC-PHY split is implemented as an amendment to OAI5G source code. The OAI source code itself is split into two projects: OAI Radio Access Network (OAI-RAN) and OAI Core Network (OAI-CN).

OAI-RAN code is available on GitLab, and is distributed under OAI 5G public license.[2]

OAI-CN project implements 4G LTE Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and 5G Core Network. The code repository is on GitHub, and licensed by Apache.[3] [4]

  • Traffic, Scheduling and Queueing

IEEE 802.1 Qbv.[5]

This is the standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, MAC Bridges and Virtual Bridged Local Area Network (VB-LAN) Enhancement for scheduled traffic.

Codes and specs can be found on the links in the reference.

  • Transport Networks

These are carrier specific. Open source code repositories are not available.


[1] 5G software alliance for democratising wireless innovation

[2] oai / openairinterface5G

[3] OpenAirInterface Software Alliance


[5] 802.1Qbv – Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic


Answered by: Manish Nair, former Senior Engineer III Power Amplifier & RF HW Apps at Qualcomm

The popular messaging app is taking one of its best features, and making it better. All too often, WhatsApp new updates can be a pain to get used to – but the latest development appears to be one that the app’s users will love.

After much pressure, WhatsApp finally introduced the ability to delete messages in October last year – but only for seven minutes after they had sent it.

Now the app appears to be extending that time frame to over an hour.

According to information spotted by , Android beta users with the WhatsApp version number 2.18.69 will have the “Delete for Everyone” feature extended from 420 seconds to 4096 seconds – or 68 minutes and 16 seconds.

The blog post points out that, at the moment, it’s only available to Android users and not to anyone that owns an iPhone.

But it suggests that the world’s most popular messaging app – which is owned by Facebook – could roll out this change more widely in the future.

As well as the Delete for Everyone change, the site also notes there will be an upcoming feature called WhatsApp Stickers – another idea borrowed from Snapchat.

It’s expected that in order to be able to delete a message for longer, you will have to have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on your phone when the update arrives. Likewise, the recipients will also have to have the latest version installed.

This latest update follows on from reports that the app will soon start allowing in-app transfers to be sent between contacts.

The announcement comes after WhatsApp performed a limited testing period with around one million users in India as the country number one of using Whatsapp App and sharing information over it.

Source:, others

Google search console provides actionable reports, tools, and learning resources designed to get your content on Google Search. You can use Google Search Console both for websites and for mobile applications; if you have a mobile application, read this page instead.
Sign up for Search Console if you haven’t already: it’s easy and it’s free.

Managing your website with Google Search Console Day to dayRelax — Search Console will email you if any unusual events occur with your properties. Unusual events include indications that your website has been hacked or problems that Google had when crawling or indexing your site. We will also email you if we detect that your site violates any of Google’s search quality guidelines.

Note: It can take some time after verifying your site to start seeing data in Search Console reports, so add your site and verify it soon. We’ll let you know when your data becomes available.


Every month or so, take a look at your Search Console dashboard; the dashboard is the simplest way to get a quick health check on your site:

  • Make sure that you aren’t experiencing an increase in errors for your site.
  • Check that you don’t have any unusual dips in your click counts. Note that a weekly rhythm of weekend dips, or dips or spikes over holidays, is normal.

When your content changes

Check Search Console whenever you make important site changes to monitor your site’s behavior in Google Search.

Adding new content to your site:

Adding new properties:

If you change your site’s domain name:

Removing a page from search results:

OpenCart is an online resource that was built to make life easier for merchants and customers to interact. Based in an Open Source environment, this shopping cart solution gives you to ability to have your business be search engine friendly with a user interface that is welcoming and inviting. If you’re an online retailer, you’ll likely need shopping functionality on your website, and OpenCart is one option to help you and your customers complete the shopping tasks easily. Whether you are a small brick-and-morter boutique in Darien, CT, a drop-shipper working out of your basement, or a large ecommerce shoe seller in New Haven, OpenCart can fulfill your online sales needs.

Here are a few benefits that come from using OpenCart:

  • Plugins. The OpenCart system offers you a wide variety of plugins. The newest edition of the free version offers you about 1,500 plugins, which helps you customize your website to meet the needs of your business and your customers’ needs as well.
  • Support. The OpenCart community is pretty substantial. You’ll have access to technical support for those sticky questions that you just can’t seem to get answered. There are community forums where fellow OpenCart users and some skilled programmers are always happy to give you input, as well. Found a bug? There is a quick and easy way to report it on the OpenCart website so you can submit a ticket and get back to whatever you were doing in no time.
  • Script. The script architecture for OpenCart is based in a popular program called MVC (Model-View-Controller). Because of the popularity of this script foundation, there are plenty of folks out in cyberspace that are familiar with this script, which gives you optimal access to help when needed. This script is also XHTML compliant.
  • Server Resources. Because OpenCart doesn’t necessarily have as many built-in features as some of its competitors, it is far less strenuous on the server systems that power it. Adding just a few plugins shouldn’t affect the speed and efficiency of your OpenCart website much at all. Adding tons of plugins to your site could, eventually, weigh on the speed and efficiency that you and your user’s experience, but having just a few basic features makes the use of OpenCart speedy and easy.
  • Dashboard. OpenCart’s administration is particularly easy for new users to understand. The admin panel is neat, clear, and easy to understand and manage. For newbies, these are all important factors to getting your shopping cart site up and running. The user-friendly nature of this program extends from the admin dashboard to the experience of your consumers.
  • Cost. Thanks to the Open Source platform from which this program was born, you can download and use OpenCart free of charge. For most small business online stores, the initial out-of-the-box version will work just fine, and that version will cost you nothing! Add-ons and plugins that you’ll probably want to add to make your site its very own come with a minimal fee for most of the modifiers.

For many reasons you have your own domain and have your own email. Therefore, instead of opening the email in third party apps you would prefer to open it using gmail. To do that simply follow the steps bellow:

1 First, log into your existing gmail account. Then, click on the gear image on the top right hand corner and click on Settings.

2. Click on the Accounts tab and click on Add a POP3 mail account you own.

3. A small window will appear . Then, enter your email address which email you wish to import from. Click Next Step.

4. Enter the settings for your email account .

Email Address: Your domain-based email address

Username : Your domain-based email address

Password : Your domain-based email password

POP server : Your mail server (usually

Port: 110

*** Tick “Leave a copy of retrieved messages on the server” so that you may still read the messages through other devices .***

Click Add Account.

5. Click on Yes. Then, Next Step.

** Note that if you wish to send mail, you will send through your primary gmail account and the receiver will receive the mail from your primary gmail account. **

6. Click on Treat as an Alias . Then, Next Step.

7. Click on Close Window and you are done.

Whether it’s the latest tech industry innovations, what’s next in space travel, or the most obscure gadgets out there, there’s a lot happening in tech. How to keep up with the trends?

A lot of tech innovators and enthusiasts have launched YouTube channels to talk about tech news, provide product reviews and how-tos, and explore new experiments in tech that are just starting to make a splash. Here are nine of our favorite YouTube channels on a wide variety of tech-related topics.

Almohtarif Channel 2.6+M subscribers

Almohtarif Channel is the most popular arabic tech channel in youtube and its owned by Moroco’s young his name is Amin and attract viewers from different aspects.

CNET. 1.4+M subscribers.

CNET has one of the best and most established tech-focused YouTube channels. They’ve got tutorials, interviews (hi, Mark Zuckerberg), advice for finding and using new devices, exclusive coverage of big conferences and tech events, and first looks at new releases including cars, home appliances, computers, smartphones and watches, and more. You’re bound to find all sorts of tidbits on anything you’re searching for (or didn’t even know you were searching for).

Mashable. 526K subscribers.

Mashable covers robots, jetpacks, VR, and other toys of the future, but also your present-day gadgets and gizmos. Mashable’s short, digestible videos can help you fix your current tech problems and also stay on the cutting edge.

MKBHD. 5+M subscribers.

Marques “MKBHD” Brownlee is one of the most popular tech-focused YouTubers out there, and for good reason. His videos have good camera work and high-quality production value, and often a nice dash of humor. The content includes first impressions as Marques unboxes new gadgets, as well as explanations, features of his favorite hot tech, and answers to subscribers’ questions.

Tech Insider. 922K subscribers.

A spinoff of Business Insider, Tech Insider dives into big issues in tech. Sometimes there’s a business side to the inside scoop (a Tesla road trip, features on top-selling devices), but there are lots of videos that show the fun side to digital culture and tech innovations, too (inflatable obstacle courses, how deep the ocean is, scary VR games). For learning about how tech works and weird inventions that aren’t mainstream (yet), Tech Insider is a great hub.

Techquickie. 1.6+M subscribers.

If you want tech, and you want it quick, Techquickie has got you covered. The videos are usually about five minutes and peppered with humorous asides. They generally fall into three categories: first, answering those questions you never knew you had (why do you have to use airplane mode? What’s a safe temperature for your computer? What are URLs, really?); second, fixes for your malfunctioning gadgets; and third, DIY projects for the technologically ambitious.

TechCrunch. 295K subscribers.

TechCrunch is like a bag of assorted candies where you can’t decide your favorite, so you just keep eating and eating. The formats range from interviews to news reports to talk shows (ish), and the topics include startups, space travel, transportation, gaming, Apple-focused news, robotics, and of course, gadget reviews. As far as range and depth of coverage, TechCrunch is one to beat.

Unbox Therapy. 8.6M subscribers.

It’s hard to imagine taking gadgets out of boxes as therapeutic until you’ve seen Unbox Therapy get into it. It’s no listening to the ocean, but it sure is entertaining. These videos, usually five to ten minutes, get into the nitty-gritty of a wide range of brand new tech. Some devices only show up once (how many $5,000 massage chairs can be there be?), but Lewis gets in-depth with video series that focus on different categories of products, like headphones, phone cases, speakers, and keyboards. Seriously, there’s a lot of variety in keyboards. Yes, there’s one made out of wood.

The Verge. 1.5M subscribers.

The Verge is another one with a lot of content and a ton of variety. They’ve got handy reviews and how-tos for the devices you’re likely to have, as well as series on things like space travel, consumer electronics events, and the latest experiments in technology, involving everything from airplanes to human emotions.

Grammarly. 100K subscribers.

Need a break from exploring tech’s latest and greatest, or maybe desperate to know whether you need an “affect” or an “effect” in your work report? Well, we’ve got you covered.

Need a break from exploring tech’s latest and greatest, or maybe desperate to know whether you need an “affect” or an “effect” in your work report? Well, we’ve got you covered. Grammarly’s YouTube channel explores the intersection of tech, writing right, and communication for business. Had to sneak that one in there.

This list scratches the surface, but there are tons of great tech-focused YouTube channels out there. What are your favorites? Join the brainstorm by sharing your picks in the comments section.




The Samsung Galaxy S9 is a great phone, but one that hasn’t really kicked on from the Galaxy S8, bringing a very similar design and screen to 2017’s version. The improved biometrics were sorely needed, and the camera is a leap forward, but the amazing low light capabilities have resulted in sacrifices elsewhere. A top, top phone, but the S9 Plus outshines it.

phone galaxy s9

Samsung Galaxy s9

The Samsung Galaxy S9 is the phone that’s supposed to lead the charge where the Galaxy S8, one of the best phones we’ve ever tested, left off – but it’s not as much of an upgrade, even though it’s our top pick for best camera phone.

Update: The Samsung Galaxy S9 now comes in the shimmering ‘sunrise gold’ color is now available in the US. But it also has even more competition with the arrival of the OnePlus 6HTC U12 Plus and LG G7 ThinQ.

Well, that’s at first glance, because there is a raft of updates that some looking to buy the Galaxy S9 would find appealing. Yes, the design is identical to the Galaxy S8, and in reality this really should have been the ‘S’ variant of that model if Samsung ever wanted to ape Apple’s naming strategy.

But there’s also a new, high-power camera on the back that brings genuine innovation in the dual-aperture shutter, as well as a more robust frame and so, so much more power under the hood.

The screen is brighter and the dual speakers make this more of a media marvel – and the Galaxy S9 fixes one major flaw with the S8 by making it easy to unlock the phone with your face or finger, which 2017’s model failed at – and that’s why we’ve named it as one of our best smartphones around at the moment.

If this sounds like we’re talking up an uninspiring phone, that’s partly true – but we wanted to make sure you knew the big changes on the S9 if you were confused on why it looks so similar to last year’s model.